Aqua Animal Far better than Human Beings

October 08, 2015 | 01:12 PM | 6 Views

Looking at the title many of you might have entered into dilemma. Well, here is what the detail description of the title. Fishes who have an effective oxygen delivery greater than human beings can be the good athletes than Humans.

If we think that Humans are the good athletes then you are mistaken. We have fishes who are good athletes than human beings. The Scientists discovered that fishes are more effective at delivering oxygen throughout their body than any other animal.

What happens when human beings experience low energy levels, they suddenly took a pause from whatever work they are doing. But, whereas in case of fishes they will not pause due to extreme oxygen levels.

“Fish exploit a mechanism that is up to 50 times more effective in releasing oxygen to their tissues than that found in humans,” said study lead author Jodie Rummer from the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University.

“This is because their haemoglobin, the protein in blood that transports oxygen, is more sensitive to changes in pH than ours and more than the haemoglobins in other animals,” Rummer noted.

“This information tells us how fish have adapted this very important process of getting oxygen and delivering it to where it needs to be so that they can live in all kinds of conditions, warm or cold water, and water with high or low oxygen levels,” Rummer said.

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